Consulting Services

Tell us what you need and we will get straight to it.

Staff Augmentation

Most companies, IT and non-IT find it extremely difficult to cope up with constantly changing technology needs only with internal staff. Often, such positions are needed only for a limited period. This is where VarioTech can fill the gap.

We approach our clients with an integrated team concept, this eliminates the confusion, duplication, delay and expense associated with having to deal with multiple suppliers.

Our recruitment coordinators will evaluate your requirements and provide on-site consultants with requisite skills for any required period to enable you to complete critical IT solutions on time. Our commitment and dedication is the reason why many of our clients prefer to use our services exclusively for their IT contracting needs by making us their Preferred Vendor.

Direct Placements

VarioTech can provide top-notch IT professionals for full-time positions in your organization. We draw on a vast pool of talent, ensuring that our clients have access to qualified professionals in key technology fields. We can provide professionals with relevant technology skillsets in different verticals including Manufacturing, HealthCare, and Telecom.

We follow a stringent five step recruitment process.

  • Planning is designed to ensure that we have a vision of our clients future staffing requirements.
  • Identification ensures that VarioTech has a thorough understanding of our clients’ needs.
  • Sourcing identifies the potential resource pool of candidates needed to fill both current and future needs.
  • Mutual Qualification ensures only quality consultants join VarioTech.
  • Closing is the final stage in VarioTech recruiting process and completes the hiring process.

On Site Services

Based on your critical goals and anticipated staffing needs, we create an efficient workforce management program to ensure accountability and productivity. We provide competent specialists to completely manage your flexible workforce right where you need— onsite at your office.

If you need to hire a significant number of temporary employees at one location, with on-demand access to high quality talent, our Onsite/Near Site Services is the best option for your needs.

Vario Tech’s  Onsite and Near Site Management has a proven record of success with world’s leading IT services companies. With these extremely high volume, high quality clients, we have provided unparalleled support, including:

  • Dedicated onsite consultants (Recruitment and HR focus)
  • High volumes of temporary workers provided per year
  • Annual savings, efficiency, and productivity gains for our client
  • Sole supplier for organizations across multiple sectors
  • Single point-of-contact delivery model
  • Best practices across international partnerships

We can partner with you to manage your contingent workforce, helping you save on recruitment and training costs.